Wiki banshee tv
Wiki banshee tv

Weakness: Banshee's can sometimes be heard screaming with a parabolic microphone. Strength: Banshee's (sic) will weaken their target before striking. When a Parabolic Microphone is used, the Banshee has a chance of making a unique shriek-like paranormal sound different from other ghosts. Other than the effects stated above, being the Banshee's target does not appear to affect other mechanics such as the rate of interactions. When it performs a singing event near its target, they will have an additional 5% sanity drop on top of the standard sanity drain. The Banshee also has a mechanic similar to the Phantom's, where it is more likely to roam to the location of its chosen target outside of a hunt.Ī Banshee will prefer to cause ghost events where it sings over other types of ghost events. However, it will still only check for its target's sanity when trying to start a hunt, even while the target is outside. If a Banshee begins a hunt while its primary target is outside the building, the Banshee will hunt like any other ghost, chasing any opportune player. The Banshee will react to Smudge Sticks lit by other players, but this will not allow for completion of the "Repel a ghost while it is chasing someone" optional objective, unless the Banshee is also chasing its target when it is lit. It will not attempt to chase other players and will not kill them, even if it comes into contact with a non-target player.

wiki banshee tv

When a Banshee hunts, it will mostly follow standard hunt rules, but it will ignore all players other than its target, unlike other ghosts, which generally chase any opportune player. If the primary target dies or leaves the game, a new primary target will be selected.Ī Banshee will only check for their primary target's sanity when trying to initiate a hunt.

  • Aibell - The Ua Briain Banshee is thought to be named Aibell and the ruler of 25 other Banshees who would always be at her attendance.At the start of the game, a Banshee will randomly select a primary target.
  • Magic- Banshees are affected by magic, and can be trapped and banished.
  • Just being slashed with a golden weapon will hurt it.
  • Gold Blade - A weapon of pure gold can kill a Banshee.
  • Mental Manipulation- Malevolent Banshees produce a high-pitched screaming that will drive their victims to suicide.
  • Teleportation- They can travel through mist.
  • Invisibility- They can render themselves invisible at will.
  • Electromagnetic Interference- Their presence will cause all the lights in the area to flicker.
  • Low Invulnerability- Banshees cannot be killed by conventional methods, only being stabbed in the heart with a gold blade will kill them.
  • Telekinesis- They are able to move objects with their minds.
  • wiki banshee tv

    Nigheag Na H-atha (Scotland, United Kingdom).

    wiki banshee tv

    Ban-Nigheachain (Scotland, United Kingdom).The only ones capable of hearing their screams are the victims. Malevolent banshees are able to produce high-pitched screams that can drive anyone who hears their scream to commit suicide. There exists two specific types one which wails in the night as a warning when someone is about to die but is generally benevolent otherwise whereas the other kind is entirely malevolent, using their supernatural screaming to drive humans insane and bash their own heads in.

    Wiki banshee tv